Ibn Sina (Avicenna) Print
Cover Titel Autor Bewertung Hits
cover  Zusammengesetzte Heilmittel Der Araber Nach Dem Fünften Buch Des Canons Von Ebn Sina 0   1572
cover  Predication and Ontology: Studies and Texts on Avicennian and Post-Avicennian Readings of Aristotle’s ›Categories‹ 0   1573
cover  THE ORIGINAL MEDICINE: A Conceptual Synopsis of Persian Medicine Based on the Avicenna’s Canon 0   1575
cover  Orientations of Avicenna's Philosophy 0   1577
cover  Subject, Definition, Activity: Framing Avicenna's Science of the Soul 0   1585
cover  Ibn Sina (Avicenna) Father of Modern Medecine: History of Science and Medicine 0   1587
cover  Avicenna and the Aristotelian Left 0   1587
cover  Avicenna and the Aristotelian Left 0   1608
cover  Avicenna's Allegory on the Soul 0   1609
cover  Avicenna's Al-shifa: Oriental Philosophy 0   1624